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Yemen Red Sea Ports Corporation Participates demonstration condemning the aggression against the Yemeni people

Yemeni Red Sea Ports Corporation employees participated on Wednesday 07/20/2016 march massive scoured a number of streets Hodeidah city and was led by Eng. Yahya Sharaf al-Din, Vice Chairman and raised in the march a number of paintings and slogans condemning the aggression against the Yemeni people to try to subjugate knees and besieged by sea and by land and air, which increased the suffering.

He participated in the march number of general managers and directors of departments of the institution.


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مؤسسة موانئ البحر الاحمر اليمنية مؤسسة  حكومية تعمل على المساهمة الفاعلة في دعم وتعزيز الإقتصاد  الوطني وخدمة المجتمع المحلي من خلال  تنفيذ مهامها في مجال إنشاء وتطوير وتجهيز الموانئ التابعة لها ,  وتشغيلها والارتقاء بمستوى خدماتها .

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