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+UN appeal of the workers and staff of the Yemeni Red Sea Ports Corporation Hodeidah






   No secret to anyone what he suffered the port of Hodeida _ the main center for the Foundation YRSC of a naval blockade imposed by the joint Arab coalition led by Saudi Arabia, the forces for more than 145 days resulted till now 55% of petroleum products and 22% of imports of materials food and other goods, and the consequent serious material damage to the national economy


 Hodeida Commercial Port and despite what he suffered from suffocating siege still works and the basic duties optimally Aware of it the size of its responsibilities responsibility deities provide economic services to the nation as a whole away from all the political wrangling, this strategic port which is the bread basket of the Yemeni people as a whole north and south east and west exposure , Unfortunately on the seventeenth of August for the barbaric aggression traveled and the number of air strikes unwarranted by the forces of the coalition, led by Saudi Arabia led to his suspension and injury completely paralyze+d thereby flouting the consequent disastrous results as a source of livelihood for thousands of employees and thousands of workers and bodies and companies operating at the port who have become unemployed, which makes us hold the authorities concerned all the negative effects related to aggression and we draw our appeal to all international organizations and civil society organizations to do their duty and contribute to the effective lifting of the consequences of aggression for the port of Hodeida and spare the Yemen crisis, a severe food deliberately coalition countries raised by the work excruciating affliction.

Knowing that the organization follow the marine and global calibrated in receive the goods, export and committed a number of contracts with international organizations for food and relief by letting some hangars and warehouses used to receive and store up of relief materials prior to their distribution has been bombed and wiped out those stores, including in flagrant violation of contracts and treaties International.


We make this appeal on behalf of the staff and workers of the YRSC in Hodeidah We are confident that have this appeal reaction fits happened infrastructure of the institution, which affects impact the vast majority of the Yemeni people to destroy, Allah suffices me, for He is the best disposer of affairs . . .


Issued by the workers and staff of the YRSC in Hodeidah city.






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مؤسسة موانئ البحر الاحمر اليمنية مؤسسة  حكومية تعمل على المساهمة الفاعلة في دعم وتعزيز الإقتصاد  الوطني وخدمة المجتمع المحلي من خلال  تنفيذ مهامها في مجال إنشاء وتطوير وتجهيز الموانئ التابعة لها ,  وتشغيلها والارتقاء بمستوى خدماتها .

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