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Signing a Memo of Understanding to Remove 3 Gantry Cranes

On Monday 24/12/2018 a Memo of understanding was signed to remove 3 Gantry Cranes  which were damage from the attack on Hodeida port since August 2015.

The memo was signed by Capitan/ Mohammed A. Eshaq with the Manager of the world food program in Yemen , in the presence of His Excellency the minister of Transport, General  Zakaria Yahya Al-Shami and His Excellency the minister of planning and international  cooperation to remove 3 Cranes as a first step to make space for the new Cranes , to  decrease the pressure on the Berth. this step consider to be important for the next steps in the port's work , which is the lifeline providing Yemenis people with foods and medicine.

Also worth mentioning that the Gantry Cranes is the backbone for the container terminal work , that completely stopped since the aggressions on Hodeida Port targeting the Gantry Crane on 17  August 2015.




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مؤسسة موانئ البحر الاحمر اليمنية مؤسسة  حكومية تعمل على المساهمة الفاعلة في دعم وتعزيز الإقتصاد  الوطني وخدمة المجتمع المحلي من خلال  تنفيذ مهامها في مجال إنشاء وتطوير وتجهيز الموانئ التابعة لها ,  وتشغيلها والارتقاء بمستوى خدماتها .

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