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The board of directors meets at Yemen Red Sea port Corporation

On Wednesday 19/12/2018 Yemen Red Sea Port Corporation's  board of directors meets under the leadership of Hodeida port's Chairman of the Board Capitan – Mohammed A. Eshaq.

Capitan – Eshaq, welcomed the board of directors and he said , "our meeting come to discuss what we agreed upon in the previous meeting.

Capitan – Eshaq , spoke  that Yemen Red Sea Port Corporation managed to   secure the living needs for Yemenis people , and standing against the economic war imposed by the aggressions.

Capitan – Eshaq , demanded from the  board of directors to increase their efforts and overcome all difficulties to make sure the work is facilitating  in Yemen Red Sea Ports (Hodeida – Salif) especially under the    interest of the international committee to Hodeida Port and the circumstances facing the country.

The meeting was attended by the under Ministry of Transports for the maritime affair , the Ministry of Transports consulted for financial affairs , the coast Guards operational manager ,   the Ministry of Transports Office Manager , Vice Chairman of the Board and Chairman ,s Office General Manager.



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مؤسسة موانئ البحر الاحمر اليمنية مؤسسة  حكومية تعمل على المساهمة الفاعلة في دعم وتعزيز الإقتصاد  الوطني وخدمة المجتمع المحلي من خلال  تنفيذ مهامها في مجال إنشاء وتطوير وتجهيز الموانئ التابعة لها ,  وتشغيلها والارتقاء بمستوى خدماتها .

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